de demain

17 & 18 juin 2026

+33 (0)5 46 44 84 75 Accès participant

Les ateliers JAS

Thu 16 June12:30 PM > 2:00 PM


New regulation on organic products: key points and tools for reading and applying the regulation

  • Organic farming –
  • Regulations
  • RMT
  • Processing
  • Formulation
  • Practical guide
  • Support tools
  • Self-diagnosis

Animateur(s) / Animatrice(s) : Audrey LESTURGEON, Technical Advisor for organic products, CRITT PACA / co-leader of the RMT Actia TransfoBio network

Target : Organic processing companies, any company wishing to engage in an organic approach


The new regulation on organic production (Regulation (EU) 2018/848 and its secondary regulations) is applicable since 1 January 2022, with effective changes for food businesses processing organic products. These new rules aim to ensure fair competition for farmers, while preventing fraud and preserving consumer confidence:

  • Extension of regulation scope on organic products (salt, rabbits, pet food…);
  • Standardisation of control system through preventive measures and more detailed controls;
  • Amendment of production and formulation rules (progressive removal of a number of exceptions and derogations, changes to the lists of non-organic substances and ingredients that can be used, changes to the flavourings that can be used, etc.);
  • Producers from non-EU countries will have to comply with the same rules as EU producers.

Regulatory texts are still expected to complete this organic product legislation, such as cleaning and disinfection products.


The RMT Actia TransfoBio network gathers key organic structures, from academic and research centres (Inrae, Oniris, …), technical centres (Critt, Itab, Adrianor, Ifip, …), institutions (Synabio, Ingrébio, …).

This network has already initiated a guide to the processing of organic products in 2011, and now offers up-to-date support and tools on the formulation of organic foodstuffs, organic self-diagnosis, etc.  It will answer all your questions as best as possible!


  • To understand the main regulatory changes linked to the new organic product regulation applicable since the beginning of 2022;
  • To rely on tools developed by the RMT Actia TransfoBio for the implementation of the regulation, such as the formulation assistance tool and the new practical guide on the processing of organic products with its self-diagnosis section for companies, etc.

Issues raised during the workshop

Food companies need to keep up to date with the new organic regulations and be aware of possible future changes.

Solutions given/discussed

  • Presentation of tools that help with the implementation of the new organic regulations.
  • Regional contacts that can help with organic processing issues.

Methodological/pedagogical tools presented/used

A few slides presenting the main changes in the new organic regulations. Discussion with the audience. Presentation of an online formulation tool. Presentation of a practical guide for organic processing.